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Brainfriendly methods and techniques use the natural abilities of the human brain. Neuroscience research reveals what these natural abilities are and how they can be accessed. Brainfriendly methods and techniques make it easy for people to think and learn more naturally and successfully.

Natty, the naturally gifted learner (below), represents the threefold nature of brain function.
Natty, the natural learner

Brainfriendly teaching applies relevant findings from neuroscience to keep students in good condition for effective thinking, working and learning. This good condition is physiological. Brainfriendly methods keep students motivated, which involves a balance of comfort and stimulation.

Find out more about brainfriendly teaching methods from our book Teaching to Learn.

Brainfriendly learning uses techniques which correspond with the way human brains work naturally. A person's ability to think, work and learn at any instant is the result of the interplay of three factors as Natty shows below. At any instant, only the present condition can be managed or improved to enable a learner to easily achieve study objectives in class or during personal study times. Brainfriendly strategies focus on achieving a good physiological state so that learners' brain function quickly, easily and naturally.

Ability is not fixed; it can be improved

Find out more about brainfriendly study strategies from Christine Ward's books.

Brainfriendly parenting uses methods which assist children to develop into high achievers by fostering their natural abilities. Brainfriendly parents have up-to-date knowledge about children's mental, physical and emotional development. They also have child/family management skills and positive beliefs which link with that knowledge.

Find out more about brainfriendly parenting by clicking on Points for Parents or reading The Parents' Homework Handbook.

Brainfriendly environments are those which promote good physical, mental and emotional condition. Brainfriendly environments lead to balanced work-focused behaviour, clear thinking, effective learning. Teachers, students and parents who develop brainfriendly environments at home an school make it easy for students to be effective learners and to achieve academic success.

Find out more about brainfriendly environments in any of Christine Ward's books which you can review by going to Books by Christine Ward.

Brainfriendly belief/attitude is an important pre-requisite for brainfriendly practice. New theoretical knowledge about the human brain leads to new attitudes towards teaching and learning and then to the development of new practical strategies.

Neuroscience research is clear: everyone can think, work and learn naturally and easily when conditions (physiology and environment) are good for them.

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Date last modified 07/2007 - Helios Dzine